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The Ninth International Kant-Bakhtin Seminar takes place in autumn

  • Дата проведения:
  • с 20 по 21 октября 2021 года
  • 1877
The Ninth International Kant-Bakhtin Seminar takes place in autumn

Murmansk Arctic State University continues the long tradition of the Kant/Bakhtin seminars. Usually, this research forum was held in the spring, but the pandemic has significantly changed the schedule of the event: the previous seminar was held in December last year, and a new one is scheduled for autumn.

The Ninth international Kant and Bakhtin scientific seminar will be held on October 20−21 in online format on the Zoom platform (it may be held in a mixed format if the epidemiological threat is reduced).

It is not surprising that the key topic of this seminar will be precisely the pandemic and its impact on social life: «Human rights, legal restrictions, redefined borders in the pandemic era».

The organizer, as always, is the Department of Philosophy, Social Sciences and Social Security Law of the Murmansk Arctic State University in cooperation with the Nord University (Bodø, Norway). The organizing committee of the seminar included scientists from Norway, Lithuania, Poland and Hungary.

All details are in the Call for papers.

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