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MASU students explored the opportunities for international youth cooperation

  • 31 марта 2023
  • 1891
MASU students explored the opportunities for international youth cooperation

MASU became the venue for Open Dialogue with Grigory Petushkov, Chairperson of the National Youth Council of Russia and Vice-Rector for Youth Policy at Russian Technological University MIREA.

The meeting was dedicated to the international youth cooperation and the ways to fulfil youth's creative and scientific potential. During the event, students of Murmansk Arctic State University and Murmansk State Technical University learnt about relevant areas of the student's international cooperation, partner countries, and the requirements for students to participate in volunteer programmes and summer schools.

Later, Grigory held a meeting with Lyubov Lychkina, Vice Rector for Youth Affairs and leading analyst of Coordination Center, and Maya Pankratova, Head of MASU Coordination Center.

During the meeting, the guest and MASU representatives discussed ways the two universities can cooperate in the area of youth affairs, and organize joint events in a form of summer schools, as well as the opportunity for MASU students to participate in national events.

Open Dialogue is a series of events organized by MASU Coordination Center, established in September 2022, to prevent ethnic conflicts and fight intolerance based on ethnicity and religion, xenophobia and extremist views. The Centre is also focuses on forming active civil position among regional youth.

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