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Congress of the University of Arctic

  • 23.09.2016
  • 2514

On 12-16 September 2016 the first ever Congress of the University of Arctic took place at Saint-Petersburg State University. UArctic is the international network of more than 180 higher educational institutions and research centers from 16 countries cooperating within scientific research and education for sustainable development of northern regions and support for local population. For the first time one event involved the leading international scientists and young researchers whose scientific work is devoted to different aspects of the Arctic development.

The key topics of the Congress were the Arctic ecozone and communities, preservation of cultural traditions, as well as the development of trade, tourism and transport.

Murmansk Arctic State University was represented by Rector Andrey Sergeev, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development Maxim Shishaev, Director of Psychological and Pedagogical Institute Tatiana Kuzmicheva, Head of Research and International Cooperation Office Inna Ryzhkova and coordinator of Research and International Cooperation office Yulia Shestova. Within the session in Teacher Education in the Arctic zone Tatiana Kuzmicheva made a presentation on Training teachers in the Arctic. Maxim Shishaev presented a paper at the session on information technologies in the Arctic research. The UArctic Congress became the biggest scientific and educational event in the sphere of the Arctic research.

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