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Days of Northern Europe

  • 17.04.2014
  • 2540

On the 7th — 15th April the Days of Northern Europe were held in Murmansk. The cultural project was realized with the support of Consulate General of Norway in Murmansk and Murmansk branch of Consulate General of Finland in Saint-Petersburg.

The program of the Days of Northern Europe included a meeting with the famous Norwegian writer Erlend Loe and the prominent Norwegian historian, Professor Narve Fulsas. The students witnessed the interesting dialogue of historians: professor from the Institute of World History of the RAS V. Roginsky and Professor N. Fulsas.

Not less interesting dialogue took place with Marketing Director of the Finnish center «Mummiland» Ann-Karin Koskinen. The culmination point was a mini-performance of the student theatre «Nordica» after Scandinavian folklore.

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