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I. Kant and M.Bakhtin: Perpetual Peace and Dialogue

  • 17.03.2014
  • 2432

International science and practice seminar «I. Kant and M. Bakhtin: Perpetual Peace and Dialogue» was held at MSHU on 12-13 March. It was arranged by the Department of Philosophy, Political Science and Law in cooperation with the University of Nordland (Bodø, Norway).

This is the third seminar, carried out within the joint Russian-Norwegian Program in Boderology which is implemented in three towns: Kirkenes, Nickel and Murmansk, embodying the idea of dialogue through the borders.

This year Mikhail Bakhtin’s creativity was connected with Immanuel Kant’s philosophical heritage, and the key point for reflections was Kant’s work «Toward Perpetual Peace», in which he justifies the idea of fair and peaceful coexistence of all states, united by the international law. The combination of both philosophers’ names is not accidental: Kant, one of the key personalities in the world Philosophy, and Bakhtin with his original ideas of polyphony and dialogism, are included in the field of contemporary — and extremely actual — research to reveal the links between their reflections and opportunities to use it in Philosophy of the 21st c.

Ole Andreas Lindeman, Consul General of Norway, Consul of Sweden, honoured the plenary session with his presence.

Philosophers from Murmansk, Saint-Petersburg, Arkhanglesk, Norwegian colleagues from Nordland University and also Rector of the University of Lapland (Rovaniemi, Finland) Mauri Yla-Kotola participated in the seminar.

The topic of the seminar aroused much interest of the public because it is closely connected with the international relations problems.

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