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«ArctiChildren in Net»: Workshop in Alta

  • 16.10.2013
  • 2470

On the 7th — 9th October 2013 the Arctic University of Norway (campus in Finnmark, Alta, Norway) hosted the international workshop within the project «ÀrctiChildren ln Net (2012-2014)» with the title: «CHALLENGES TO USE SOCIAL MEDIA IN HEALTH PROMOTION».

The participants of the workshop were researchers and scientists from Universities of Finland (University of Lapland, Rovaniemi; Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences), Sweden (Luleo University of Technology), Norway (Finnmark campus of the Arctic University of Norway), Russia (Murmansk State Humanities University and Northern Arctic Federal University, Arkhangelsk), representatives of educational institutions of the Murmansk region and partner countries where research and approbation of innovation health promotion technologies took place.

The Russian participants presented the results of the survey among the pupils of the 7th — 10th forms at comprehensive schools in Lovozero, Kandalaksha, Murmansk and also made presentations on the topics which interest the modern youth that can be discussed in the internet.

The project work goes on.

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