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A visit to Finnmark University College in Alta

  • 29.03.2013
  • 2909

On the 20th—24th of March, MSHU delegation headed by Professor Andrey Sergeev visited the leading partner higher education institution in Norway — Finnmark University College in Alta (FiUC).

MSHU delegation included representatives of the Rectorate, Deans of the majority of MSHU Faculties, the leading teachers, training students in the following programs: Norwegian, Social Work, Service and Tourism, Special Pedagogy and Psychology, Journalism and also BNS coordinator.

During the research and practice seminar the teachers and representatives of MSHU and FiUC administration made presentations on Curriculum and Programs in all these directions.

During the final stage of the seminar each thematic group presented its plan for future development of the Russian-Norwegian cooperation within each area.

Besides, both Rectors, Prof. Andrey Sergeev and Prof. Sveinung Eikeland, signed the Declaration, reflecting the perspective cooperation directions of both institutions, which contribute much to the development of higher education and building peaceful community in the Barents Euro-Arctic region.

Summing up the results, Rector of FiUC assured that the merging process of FiUC and the University of Tromsø will not change the vector of cooperation with MSHU and even broaden opportunities for developing joint scientific research, projects and programs.

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