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Dialogue across the Border: Borderology in the Perspective of M. Bakhtin's Ideas

  • 18.03.2013
  • 2627

On March 14 MSHU hosted international research seminar «Dialogue across the Border: Borderology in the Perspective of M. Bakhtin’s Ideas» which took place within joint Russian-Norwegian master degree program in Borderology implemented by MSHU and University of Nordland (BodØ, Norway).

Mikhail Bakhtin is one of the key figures for modern philosophy. His works suggest a range of concepts which can become a methodological foundation for different research in the field of borderology. They are borders between states and cultural areals, demarcation between different branches of knowledge, borders between everyday life and theory, between art and life and, finally, between life and death. All these phenomena can be studied using Bakhtin’s ideas and represented as interrelated research fields within a whole branch of knowledge called ’Borderology«.

The international research seminar «Dialogue across the Border: Borderology in the Perspective of M. Bakhtin’s Ideas» was opened with a lecture by Ilya Utekhin, PhD. in History, Associate Professor at Faculty of Anthropology, European University at Saint Petersburg dedicated to Lev Vygotsky’s semiotic psychology whose ideas have something in common with Bakhtin’s works.

The seminar was organized by Department of Philosophy, Political Science and Law, MSHU. Among the participants there were teachers from the Faculty of History and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication as well as virtual participants from universities in Ulan-Ude, Pyatigorsk and other Russian cities.

From Norwegian side Jan Selmer Methi, Viggo Rossvaer and Peter Utnes delivered their reports. Consul General of the Kingdom of Norway in Murmansk Øyvind Nordsletten greeted the participants and noted importance of such research forums which promote establishing a dialogue between neighboring countries.

The seminar was also attended by Evgeny Berg, a representative of French company «Total» in Murmansk and he was actively involved in discussions.

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