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Intensive Work Guidance Course in Petrozavodsk under Barents Cross Border University Development Pro

  • 24.10.2012
  • 2681

On October 16-19, 2012 Karelian State Pedogical Academy hosted Intensive Work Guidance Course organized for lecturers of Barents Cross Border University Development Project financed by EU programme Kolarctic ENPI CBC.

Among the participants from ten partner institutions in Russia, Finland, Norway and Sweden there were two lecturers from Murmansk State Humanities University: Svetlana Petoshina, PhD. in Philosophy, Associate Professor at the department of social sciences and Tatiana Tegaleva, deputy dean at the faculty of history and social science and senior lecturer at the department of social sciences.

The course provided the participants with a perfect opportunity to exchange their expertise in students’ field practice supervision, thesis supervision developing joint master programmes in comparative social work, IT, law environmental engineering.

The lecturers presented their reports, took part in discussions and join two video conferences with Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Gertsen (Saint Petersburg) and Narvik University College (Norway).

Teachers also attended a virtual classroom of IT Park in Petrozavodsk State University and met their colleagues from department of preschool and social pedagogy at KSPA.

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