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International Summer School in Rovaniemi

  • 13.06.2012
  • 2318

Faculty of Arts Education, Technology and Design continues its cooperation with University of Lapland in Rovaniemi which has hosted international summer schools in early June this year. Students from our faculty accompanied by the lecturer from the Department of Arts and Design E. A. Fedeneva participated in this significant and large-scale event.

Student K. Konchakovskiy participated in the program «Environmental Design». Students were offered to make a design an object from any natural material thematically relevant to the Arctic design. The work on the project lasted 3 days and at the end an exhibition of the environmental projects was placed in the center of Rovaniemi.

3rd year students A. Pavlova and O. Bozhenko and 2nd year student K. Rumyantseva were in the group of «Service Design». They shared their experiences with us. «Before going to Rovaniemi, we thought that lectures and workshops would take place in conventional conditions, i. e. the lecturer would be telling us something and we would be taking notes but everything turned out to be absolutely different. We entered a large room, got acquainted with everybody and then we were divided into several groups in which we acted out different problem situations like “staff and customer” in a cafe, shop, bank. At first we could not understand what it all was about, where were conventional lectures but then it became clear for us that the situations we were acting out were an integral part of service design. After lunch we were divided into 4 groups and sent to different places (a building materials shop, textiles shop, grocery, bar). There we took some pictures and made sketches of exterior and interior, described our feelings of the place, both positive and negative.

On the second day we presented our mini research and discussed as clients what could be improved in those places to attract more customers. After that we started to develop our idea of how it would be possible to join all those places in one network so there would be a link between each of the shops and other places without sole self-advertising.

On the third day we were involved in keen discussions and making visual models of our projects. In general, we liked the trip very much and had many positive impressions. We met very interesting people from other countries, learned a lot about Finnish culture. The time flew and we did not want to come back home...»

Those days in Rovaniemi were intensive, full of creativity and innovation ideas. The main idea of summer schools is uniting knowledge, experience, cooperation between students from different countries in their work on joint projects.

Our colleagues from University of Lapland suggested organizing design summer schools on the premises of MSHU.

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