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Îfficial visit to Finnmark University College

  • 12.03.2012
  • 2481

On March 5-8 an official delegation from MSHU visited Finnmark University College in Alta (Norway).

The delegation included: Andrey Sergeev, rector; Pavel Fedorov, vice-rector for science and research; Inna Ryzhkova, director of the Center for Academic Mobility, International Projects and Programs; Andrey Vinogradov, dean of the Faculty of History and Social Sciences; Anna Guschina, director of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology; Elena Statsenko, dean of the Faculty of Art Education, Technology and Design; Olga Ivanischeva, dean of the Faculty of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication; Tatiana Lissitsyna, PhD; Maxim Palamarchuk, PhD; S. Chumakova, lecturer; Yulia Shestova, interpreter.

The program included a number of official meetings, participation in the working group meetings on tourism, the Norwegian language, journalism, special pedagogy, design, social work and others. All representatives of MSHU made presentations about work of faculties and departments in different fields of cooperation with Norway.

Besides, partners form Norway and Russia discussed perspectives of double diplomas in the «Bachelor of Northern studies» program, in which MSHU is an active participant and developer. Beside BNS, the most perspective directions of cooperation are considered the following: «teaching Norwegian», «special pedagogy and psychology» and «development of joint bachelor programs in tourism».

Norwegian and Russian parties were satisfied with the results of the visit. At the rectors’ meeting rectors took a decision to make such working visits annual. In autumn 2012 University College of Finnmark in Alta plans to pay a visit to MSHU.

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