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The Russian Arctic: language, culture, economics

  • 20.12.2011
  • 2484

On the 4th−17th December the International Russian-Norwegian project «Russian Arctic: language, culture, economics» (Winter School) was realized at Murmansk State Humanities University and Murmansk State Technical University with the support of the Norwegian Barents Secretariat.

11 Norwegians, studying the Russian language, participated in the project: 7 school pupils, 2 teachers of high school and two students from Kirkenes Adult Learning Center. MSHU participants of the project were Yulia Sultanbaeva and Alexandra Burtseva who taught the Russian language to students with elementary linguistic competence. Tatiana Kondrya (MSTU) was the teacher on the intermediate level.

Within the project framework not only Russian language classes were taught but also lectures in English on the Kola North culture, economics of the region were delivered by Professor Olga Ivanishcheva, Asst. Professor Tatiana Lisitsyna, Asst. Professor Alexandra Burtseva and Asst. Professor German Ivanov.

During two weeks the Norwegian project participants visited museums in Murmansk, the Botanical Garden in Kirovsk and Hydro-Power Station in Verhnetulomsk, got acquainted with the Club for Teenagers «Poisk» and the Theatre of Foreign Drama «Nordica».

The participants of the Winter School were impressed by the meeting with the artist Vitalij Bubentsov.

The important part of the project was communication of Norwegian students with Russian students—tutors: Vasilij Osetrov, Natalja Kudrevatyh, Nina Mikhailenko and others.

The Norwegians memorized handicraft master-class by Natalia Kudrevatyh, performance by KLUP studio on the School Opening Day and the dance of the band «Royal-Teens», prepared by the first-year students of the Bachelor program in Linguistics for the concert devoted to closing of the project.

Closing Ceremony took place at MSTU on the 16th of December and the Norwegian participants expressed gratitude to the project coordinators and teachers. All the participants expressed unanimous opinion that the project «Russian Arctic: language, culture, economics» should go on because it gives the opportunity to learn much about the Russian language, practice the language in communication with native speakers and have a fresh look at the Kola North.

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