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Happy life of Theophile Gautier

  • 06.12.2011
  • 2460

December 5 at the Faculty of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication a lecture was given on Theophile Gautier. The lecture was delivered by Eugene Berg, the official representative of French oil and gas company «Total Exploration & Production Russia» in Murmansk.

Students of the specialty «The Russian Language and Literature», faculty’s staff in person of associate professor M. V. Naumljuk, associate professor N. I. Kurganova and the dean O. N. Ivanishcheva as well as the representatives of «Total» could hear an exciting story about the life of a French poet of the19th century, a subtle analysis of his works and poetry reading in French.

Listeners had a unique opportunity to see Theophile Gautier’ literary creation with eyes of a French diplomat, economist and expert of French poetry.

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