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Regional research and practice seminar

  • 01.12.2011
  • 2336

November 28-29 Murmansk State Humanities University hosted a regional research and practice seminar with international participation «Social and Cultural Mechanisms of Everyday Life in the Circumpolar World».

The seminar was organized by the Chair of Philosophy and Sociology of MSHU with the active participation of staff members of other university units. The seminar was attended by Consul of Consulate General of Norway in Murmansk Mr. Lars Georg Fordal, who delivered a welcome speech to the participants.

Within two days the philosophical and methodological issues of studying the circumpolar world, social and cultural mechanisms of everyday practices as well as semiotic and symbolic aspects of everyday culture of the North had been discussed.

Mr. Eugene Berg, the representative of oil and gas company «Total Exploration & Production Russia» took an active part in discussions.

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