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Regional research and practice seminar

  • 28.11.2011
  • 2229

November 25, 2011 the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Education, Computer Science and Programming hosted a regional research and practice seminar «The experience of using free software in education at schools and universities».

The seminar was organized by teachers of the Department of Computer Science and General Technical Disciplines. The activity was attended by teachers of schools of the city and region. Experts of the City Teachers’ Information Resource Center, representatives of the University of Tromsø Ciprian Gerstenberger and Lisbet Ronningsbakk and teachers of MSHU.

The seminar dealt with issues related to implementation and use of free software in educational institutions of the city and region. Among discussed questions there were topical issues related to organization of academic research with the help of social services, provision of anti-virus protection of school networks, problems arisen when developing software for teaching languages of small ethnic groups (e. g. the Sami language), as well as the use of Information and Communication Technology tools and Internet resources in Norwegian secondary schools.

The participants of the seminar shared their experiences of using various software applications in the educational process of educational institutions. At the end of the seminar a decision was taken to publish the proceedings and continue the cooperation in this field.

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