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«Barents Cross-Border University» project meeting

  • 28.11.2011
  • 2412

In November 2011 Northern (Arctic) Federal University (Arkhangelsk) hosted a meeting within the «Barents Cross-Border University» project, which included two events: working group meeting on master degree program in Comparative Social Work (on November 23) and vice-rectors’ meeting (on November 24).

Among the participants of the working group meeting there were lecturers of social work from Northern (Arctic) Federal University (NArFU), Petrozavodsk State University (PetrSU), Northern State Medical University (NSMU), University of Lapland (Rovaniemi, Finland) and Murmansk State Humanities University (MSHU). MSHU was represented at this meeting by Nadezhda Fomina, the international department officer.

The participants of the meeting discussed specific issues of implementation of joint master degree program in comparative social work, including program of winter and summer schools for master degree students, current situation in the master degree program, challenges and perspectives of further development of this program in partner universities within the Barents Cross-Border University network. The MSHU representative Nadezhda Fomina informed the meeting about our university’s possibility to change its status from Associate to Full Membership of BCBU. Nadezhda Fomina also announced the MSHU administration’s proposal to expend the number of training programs within the framework of BCBU and to develop a new joint master degree program in Intercultural Communication.

Vice-rectors’ meeting brought up more general questions about the organization of cooperation within the «Barents Cross-Border University» network, issues of project funding and management. Among the meeting participants there were Marina Kalinina, vice-rector for international cooperation of NArFU, Olli Snellman, vice-rector for education of the University of Oulu (Finland), Jaana Orava, project coordinator from the University of Oulu, Tarja Orjasniemi, project coordinator from the University of Lapland, Yury Sumarokov, director of Medipark NSMU, Galina Parikhina, head of the department for exchange and educational programs of PetrSU, Olga Nizhevich, head of the department for international programs of NArFU, Nadezhda Fomina, the officer of the international department of MSHU. The participants of the meeting made a decision to prolong the project General Agreement and sign it in March 2012.

The representatives of universities’ administration also discussed ways how to raise efficiency of cooperation in the Barents Cross-Border University network and decided to carry out an internal evaluation of the project in each partner university in February 2012.

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