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Meeting with colleagues from the University of Lapland

  • 18.11.2011
  • 2419

On the 16 November representatives of the University of Lapland (Rovaniemi, Finland) Maria Huhmarniemi and Virpi Nurmela visited the Faculty of Arts Education, Technology and Design where they had a meeting with the faculty staff and students.

During the friendly conversation multimedia presentations of all Departments of the Faculty and Diploma Projects were demonstrated. Besides, presentation of students’ practical training for professional activity was arranged in the form of master-classes in such Subjects as «Painting» (Honored Artist Vitalij Bubensov), «Drawing» (Senior Lecturer Elena Fedeneva), «Form Shaping» (Senior Lecturer Eleonora Agarkova), «Basics of Choreography» (Associate Professor Viktor Vydrin). The clothes collection «Allure» (from the fashion show «Namodnenie−2011») was demonstrated for our Finnish colleagues.

The outcome of the meeting was the agreement to participate in the joint seminar on Arctic Design which will take place in April 2012 and in joint creative projects.

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