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A visit to Pitea Media School (Sweden)

  • 17.11.2011
  • 2243

On 8-10 November MSHU representatives visited Piteå Media School (Sweden) within the international project BART «Public-Private Partnership in Barents Tourism».

MSHU delegation included Professor Ludmila Gerashchenko (Scientific Leader of the Project), Inna Ryzhkova (Project Coordinator) and Yulia Shestova (interpreter).

During the scientific seminar project participants from Sweden, Finland, Norway and Russia presented reports on the tourism-related knowledge pool in theBarents region institutions. Each presentation covered characteristics of the tourism companies’ needs for trained staff.

The Murmansk region was presented by Professor Ludmila Gerashchenko. Her report was highly appreciated by the project partners.

Besides, the participants of the seminar visited Boden and got acquainted with its tourism infrastructure.

BART Steering Committee made a decision to arrange the next project workshop at MSHU in April 2012.

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