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Russian-Norwegian seminar

  • 27.10.2011
  • 2376

On 26.10.11 MSHU hosted the Russian-Norwegian seminar «Experience and perspectives of Russian-Norwegian cooperation in the sphere of education and science at the beginning of ÕÕI century». The Norwegian party was represented by the delegation of 18 people headed by the rector of Finnmark university college (HIFM) Sveinung Eikeland. Among the members of the delegation there were representatives of the administration, board members, teachers, HIFM international officers.

HIFM is an old and reliable partner of our university and representatives of this Norwegian institution are frequent and welcome guests at MSHU. However, this was the first time that such a representative and large delegation visited our university, which reflects the fact that relations between two higher education institutions develop successfully and intensively.

At the beginning of the seminar rector of MSHU, Andrey Sergeev, made a presentation which acquainted our guests with the structure of the university, its international activities on the whole and development of cooperation with the partners from Norway in particular.

In his turn, Sveinung Eikeland spoke about the main directions of work and HIFM development plans for the nearest future. Many of the things mentioned by Mr. Eikeland are in line with MSHU plans and general strategy of development. Thus, further joint activities were gradually defined within creation of academic programs and implementation of projects.

One of such programs is BNS (Bachelor of Northern Studies). There are 108 students and 7 teachers of MSHU who take part in it. The content, progress and successfulness of realization of the program were highlighted by Bjørn Sagdahl, program leader, and Yulia Shestova, MSHU BNS coordinator, employee of the Center for Academic Mobility, International Projects and Programs.

Deans of MSHU faculties and the director of MSHU Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy described the potential of their divisions and presented their proposals for further development of relations between two higher education institutions. This aroused great interest of Norwegian partners.

After the seminar the guests had a short cultural program. It included a performance of «Severnie akvareli» band, which was warmly greeted by our Norwegian friends, and an excursion around the main university campus, which contained an exhibition of students’ art works, visit to the Center of Academic Mobility, International Projects and Programs, and a lecture of a Norwegian teacher, Peter Haugseth, given to MSHU students who study within BNS program. The delegation from Norway also visited MSHU student hostel where its members had an opportunity to get acquainted with the life of our students and ask questions.

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