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International conference

  • 19.10.2011
  • 2652

On October 18 there was a conference devoted to culture and history of the Skolt Sámi.

The coordinator of the project «Skolt Sámi culture across borders», Katarina Bartsch (Norway), presented the outcomes of cooperation of Skolt-Sámi from three countries: Norway, Finland and Russia. Honna Havas spoke about history of Skolt-Sámi and their contemporary position, and Zoya Nosova, a representative of this community, performed a piece of the Sámi folklore.

This was a first conference which dealt with life and culture of this small community of the Sámi people: there are only 250 of them in Russia, 150 in Norway and 600 in Finland. Murmansk State Humanities University was represented by Olga Ivanischeva, Doctor of Philology, head of the Laboratory of the Sámi Language. Within the conference Olga Ivanischeva met with the representatives of the Sámi Regional Learning Center (Inari, Finland) — Marja Suojoki and Tanja Sanila.

The meeting was devoted to the discussion of perspectives of teaching Sámi language and culture within master program «Linguistics (profile: Theory of intercultural communication)» in 2012/2013 academic year at Murmansk State Humanities University at the Department of Culturology and Intercultural Communication, Theory of Language and Journalism.

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