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A visit of the Consul General of Norway

  • 12.10.2011
  • 2371

On 11.10.2011 our university was visited by the Consul General of Norway in Murmansk, Øyvind Nordsletten. He was invited to the university by the administration of MSHU. It was a familiarizing visit because Mr. Nordsletten took the position only on August 29, 2011.

At the meeting MSHU was represented by: Andrey Sergeev, rector, Pavel Fedorov, vice rector for science and research, Inna Ryzhkova, director of the center for academic mobility, Jan Ove Odden, teacher of Norwegian, Mikhail Smirnyakov, head of international office.

After the greeting and introduction of the participants rector Sergeev made a presentation about the history and structure of our university. Inna Ryzhkova in her presentation highlighted main directions, content and perspectives of cooperation between MSHU and its partners in Norway. The Consul General asked clarifying questions, demonstrating excellent Russian.

After the meeting Eleonora Agarkova, senior lecturer of the Faculty of art education, technology and design, conducted a short excursion to acquaint the guest with the exhibition of students’ works. Afterwards, Mr. Nordsletten attended the center of academic mobility where he participated in the online meeting with the Kirkenes Adult Learning Center. Our university has been collaborating with this institution within the «Norwegian language in Russia» project. Employees of the center of academic mobility Alexandra Burtseva, Ekaterina Tamistova and students who study Norwegian joined the meeting. After the online meeting, that was held in Norwegian, there was a discussion of different issues: problems of higher and secondary education, demography, teacher’s status in the modern society and others.

Mr. Nordsletten expressed satisfaction with the level of cooperation achieved between MSHU and its Norwegian partners; he thanked the participants of the meeting for the warm welcome and assured that the Consulate General of Norway in Murmansk will assist in further enhancing and developing this cooperation in the future. The Consul General also willingly accepted the request of the university administration to give an open lecture for MSHU students and lecturers within the «Big world» project.

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