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A visit to Kirkenes

  • 05.10.2011
  • 2545

On September 30 — October 01 the Barents Secretariat in Kirkenes (Norway) organized the Research Days which included presentations of modules within «Bachelor of Northern Studies» program realized by Finnmark University College.

Teachers and students from Norway and Russia are the participants of the project. Among the partners from Russia is Murmansk State Humanities University. Lecturer from MSHU — Olga Ivanischeva, Tatiana Korotkova, Tatiana Lisitsyna, Marina Naumlyuk, Marina Lukina, Tamara Tuchkova and Tatiana Belevskih — presented content of their modules in Kirkenes, made reports and answered the questions asked by other guests. Among the guests there were Sveinung Eikeland, newly elected rector of Finnmark University College, Bjørn Sagdahl, project coordinator, Svein Helge Orheim, administrative manager of Barents Institute, Rune Rafaelsen, head of the Norwegian Barents Secretariat, and Peter Haugset, assistant professor of Finnmark University College.

Program of the Research Days also included a visit to Stoltenberg seminar on October 02−03.

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