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«German at full speed» interactive performance

  • 27.09.2011
  • 2442

On the 25th of September, students, schoolchildren, German language lovers and just passers-by became participants of a three-hour interactive show with music, games, competitions, theatrical improvisation, communication held in Murmansk State Humanities University in the framework of the project «German at full speed», organized by the German Cultural Center Goethe in St. Petersburg.

Interactive performance was the culmination of the German entertainers’ visit to Murmansk. Through their direct contact with the audience they managed to convey the emotions and goals of the educational initiative «Learn German! Lern’ Deutsch!». The campaign «German at full speed» is its final stage. Master class on footbag-freestyle, rap, and language animation left nobody indifferent and no doubt inspired the participants to learn German in the future.

Furthermore, the entertainers visited six schools in Murmansk, where they held exciting activities in the form of the language animation.

Altogether, the team of entertainers when travelling around Russia in the framework of the campaign, will cover over 12,500 kilometers by train, visit 19 cities, over 500 classes in 120 schools and meet 28,000 people.

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