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The Third International Forum of Young Politicians

  • 01.04.2011
  • 2466

On the 21st — 23rd of March Arkhangelsk hosted the Third International Forum of Young Politicians of the North-West of Russia and Nordic Countries dedicated to the challenges faced in cooperation, education and employment of young people in the North-West of Russia and in Nordic countries. The list of participants included representatives from Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and northern regions of Russia (the Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Novgorod, Leningrad and Murmansk regions).

The Murmansk region was represented by the chairman of the Murmansk regional Duma Evgeniy Nikora, the deputy chairman of committee for family and youth affairs and sports Alexandra Komissarenko, the member of the Youth Parliament under the Murmansk region government and the deputy of the Deputy Council of the municipality of Kirovsk Artyom Shadrin and the member of the Public Chamber of the Murmansk region Andey Sharkov. The delegation also included 2 representatives from Murmansk State Humanities University — the PhD in pedagogy and deputy director of center for academic mobility, international projects and programs Alexandra Burtseva and the PhD in philosophy and senior lecturer at the department of work and organization of work with youth Svetlana Petoshina.

The forum covered the issues of youth cooperation in the Northern region, federal and regional projects and programs, participation of youth in political processes, youth and labout market, young people’s job placement in the North-Western part of Russia and in Nordic countries and specialist training and raising of education level.

The forum participants took part in panel discussions on the topics of «Labour market and job placement challenges faced by a young specialist» and «A demanded profession: how to make the right choice».

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