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The BCBU Rectors Meeting in Oulu

  • 28.02.2011
  • 2514

On the 23-24th of March the town of Oulu in Finland hosted regular activities within the framework of the international project «Barents Cross-Border University» including meeting of the rectors and discussions of individual master’s programs leading to joint/double degrees.

MSHU participants were rector of MSHU, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Andrei Sergeev, Vice-Rector for Science and Research, Doctor of History Pavel Fedorov, director of center for academic mobility, PhD in Pedagogy Inna Ryzhkova and lecturer Svetlana Petoshina.

In the course of the rectors meeting rector Andrei Sergeev made a presentation of MSHU concerning structure and content changes connected with renaming of the university. Vice rector Pavel Fedorov introduced vice-rectors meeting report held in Murmansk in November 2010 and delivered information about the new MSHU collection «Living in the North». At the working groups discussions concerning «Comparative social work» masters program Inna Ryzhkova, PhD in Pedagogy and Svetlana Petoshina covered the situation concerning development of courses for this program.

Head of the program on behalf of University of Lapland Tarja Orjasniemi informed the participants about forthcoming winter and summer schools for students. The question was raised about possible status change of MSHU in the project from associate to full membership in the project «Comparative social work». Moreover Finnish colleagues informed the rectors and other participants about extension of the project within the framework of «BCBU+». The application will be addressed to the program «Kolarctic ENPI».

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