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The Metaphysics at the turn of time

  • 24.02.2011
  • 2646

On the 21-22 of February the regional research and practice seminar with international participation «The Metaphysics at the turn of time», coincided with the 450th anniversary of Francis Bacon and the 415th anniversary of René Descartes took place at MSHU.

Ideas of two prominent thinkers, who stood at the origins of philosophy and science of modern age, became the starting point for fruitful discussions on a wide range of issues. The Norwegian delegation that included academics and students studying for Master Degree in «Practical Knowledge» took part in the seminar. As for foreign participants, presentations were made by Professor Viggo Rossvær and Associate Professor Jan Selmer Methi (University of Nordland in Bodø). Great interest was aroused by the report of the Spanish philosopher and theologian Jose MariaVegas, lecturer at the Catholic Higher Theological Seminary in St. Petersburg.

In addition to discussing theoretical issues, the seminar was aimed at discussing practical possibilities for international cooperation in the implementation of joint Russian-Norwegian master programme on Boderology.

As the bottom line of the seminar the collection of scientific articles will be published both in Russian and English languages. The collection will include not only the reports made at the conference, but also articles, sent by correspondence participants from different Russian cities.

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