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Meeting with Torlaug Lundh Aukrust

  • 11.02.2011
  • 2993

On the 2nd of February Rector of MSHU Andrey Sergeev met with a senior advisor of the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research Torlaug Lundh Aukrust who is currently on her study tour at the Consulate General of Norway in Murmansk. The meeting was also attended by Director of Center for Academic Mobility, International Projects and Programs Inna Ryzhkova and Head of International Office Mikhail Smirnyakov.

During the detailed conversation Andrey Sergeev told the Norwegian guest about our university, making special emphasis on international cooperation, he also gave an overview of the system of higher education in Russia, challenges and goals Russian universities are confronted with.

Inna Ryzhkova gave a number of examples and figures showing the increasing attention paid at MSHU to international activities in general and cooperation with Norwegian universities in particular.

Ms. Aukrust asked some follow-up questions and noted the growing interest of Norway in cooperation with Russia in the field of higher education.

It should be mentioned that such meetings contribute largely to establishing new contacts and strengthening the international image of our university.

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