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Working meeting within the frameworks of the joint project «Education for All»

  • 16.12.2010
  • 2396

On the 6th of December, 2010 representatives from MSHU: Tatyana Kuzmicheva, PhD, Head of the Department of Special Psychology and Logopedics, Elena Golishnikova, PhD, Institute for Psychology and Pedagogy and Bella Shuruhova, Head of the International Office took part in the working meeting with the colleagues from the University of Helsinki (Finland), University College Lillebælt (Denmark) and Karelian State Pedagogical Academy (Russia). The meeting was carried out within the frameworks of the joint project «Education for All» on the base of University of Helsinki.

Development of the joint international Master’s Program in inclusive education, possible ways of cooperation between specialists from Russia, Denmark, Finland and Norway in solving urgent problems of special, general and inclusive education at all stages of its development, issues of academic mobility of students and teachers of the participating countries were discussed during the visit.

Discussion of the content of the joint international Master’s Program was the key issue of heated debates at the meeting. Problematic issues are:

  • modules of the program, proposed by the participants;
  • training time;
  • possibilities of issuing international diplomas;
  • forms of training and their variability;
  • intermediate and final report;
  • practical implementation of the program, obstacles and solutions.

The outcome of the visit was the development of the model of the joint educational program with specific modules.

Currently, all partners are in the process of discussion of the plan of implementation of actions which are the extension of the project «Education for All».

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