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Official visit of prof. Jan Selmer Methi (Bodo University College, Norway)

  • 08.12.2010
  • 2725

On the 7th of December Professor Jan Selmer Methi (Bodø University College) visited MSHU. Within the official visit Professor Methi had a meeting with Professor Andrey Sergeev, MSHU rector. During the meeting they shared their opinion on the specific features of pedagogical education systems in Russia and Norway.

Professor Methi informed MSHU rector about the upcoming changes in the status of Bodø University College which will become Nordland University on the 1st of January 2011.

Besides, Professor Methi had a meeting with administration of the faculty of History and Social Sciences and lecturers of the Department of Philosophy and Sociology. During the meeting they discussed methodology issues of the Master Program in Practical Knowledge and the main aspects of practical realization of the joint program in Borderology.

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