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«Big World» project: an honoured guest of MSPU — Eugene Berg

  • 25.11.2010
  • 2920

On November 23 a new project «Big World» was presented at MSPU. Students from different faculties met in one of the main building room. As Pavel Fedorov, Deputy rector on Science and Research, said at the presentation, the project will expand knowledge of students about the world today, familiarize them with history, traditions, culture and way of life of different countries and peoples. The project includes deliverance of public lectures by famous scholars, diplomats, businessmen at the University.

On the same day the first open lecture took place. It was delivered by Eugene Berg, the representative of oil and gas company «Total. Exploration Development Russia» in Murmansk, and was about France today, its public and historical processes.

Eugene Berg was born in Paris. He has got an education in the sphere of Economy and Law and diploma of the Institute for Political Research. He also graduated from the National School of Administration. During his long diplomatic career (1986−2006) E. Berg worked in different countries. He was the First Councellor in Mexico, Consul General in Leipzig, Ambassador to African countries: Namibia and Botswana, Pacific Ocean islands. Beside native French, Eugene Berg speaks several foreign languages: English, German, Spanish and Russian. He is a well-known expert in international relations and author of the fundamental work about the Caribbean crisis.

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