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English in the borderline schools

  • 23.11.2010
  • 2877

On the 27th−28th of October an international seminar took place in Zapoliarny (Murmansk region) within the joint Russian-Norwegian project «English in the borderline schools».

Participant of the project are Murmansk State Pedagogical University, Bodø University College (Norway), schools of the borderline areas — in Zapoliarny, Pechenga, Nikel and Kirkenes. 22 people are involved in the project. Our University is represented by Elena Kvasyuk (Head of the Department of Foreign Languages and Teaching Methods), Tatiana Lisitsyna (Associate Professor of the Department of the English Language and English Philology) and Yulia Shestova (international coordinator).

The project’s duration is 2 years (2010−2012). Its main objectives are to improve professional competence of the English language teachers in Russia and Norway, to share experience, to develop cooperation in education which will promote common educational space in the Barents region.

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