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«Barents Cross border University» project meeting

  • 11.11.2010
  • 2899

On November 2nd, 2010 Murmansk State Humanities University together with Murmansk State Technical University and Murmansk Humanities Institute organized a meeting for Vice Rectors from the institutions-participants of the «Barents Cross border University» project.

Among the meeting participants there were representatives of administrations from the universities of Finland and Russia:

  • Director of International Relations Kimmo Kuortti, Director of Thule Institute Kari Laine, BCBU coordinator Jaana Orava, Vice-rector for Education Olli Silvén (University of Oulu);
  • Head of International Research and Development Harri Malinen, Vice-rector for Education Kaarina Määttä (Lapland University);
  • Vice-rector for Science and Research Pavel Fedorov, Director of the Center for Academic Mobility, International Projects and Programs Inna Ryzhkova (MSHU);
  • Vice-rector for Education Sergey Dubrovin (MSTU);
  • Vice-rector for Development Larisa Bilous (MHI);
  • Vice-rector for Educational Work Vladimir Sunev, Vice-director of International Cooperation Olga Zvyagina (Petrozavodsk SU);
  • Vice-rector for Innovative Development Yury Varfolomeev, Head of International Office Natalia Podrazhanskaya (N(А)FU) and others.

Among the issues to discuss at the meeting were current problems of the Barents Cross border University development, perspectives of joint work at existing master programs and possibilities of development of new master programs. Partners from Finland expressed keen interest in recruiting Russian students.

Simultaneously with the Vice-rectors’ meeting there were working groups meetings on key cooperation spheres at MSHU, MSTU and MHI devoted to development of international master programs «Comparative Social Work» (MSHU), «Barents Environmental Engineering» and «Software and Global Systems Development» (MSTU), «Law» (MHI).

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