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The guests from Tromsø

  • 10.11.2010
  • 2795

On the 9th—10th of November representatives of the University of Tromsø (Norway): Head of the Department of Education Sonni Olsen, lecturers Steinar Thorvaldsen, Andy Sortland, Lisbet Rønningsbakk and Marit Bjerkeng (Finnmark University College) visited MSHU.

They had a meeting with Rector Andrey Sergeev, Vice-Rector for Science and Research Pavel Fedorov, Director of the Center for Academic Mobility, International Programs and Projects Inna Ryzhkova and the interpreter Yulia Shestova. During the meeting they discussed joint Norwegian-Russian projects, the perspectives of cooperation between MSHU and the University of Tromsø within study programs, academic mobility and research activities.

Besides, the official visit included other events such as participation in the international conference «Problems of the Barents region from the Youth’s point of view», delivering lectures to the students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Computer Science and Programming, presentation of the project «Barents-Flora» at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Physical Culture and Life Security, a meeting with the Dean and the staff of the Faculty of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication, a meeting with the Norwegian teacher Jan Ove Odden and students studying Norwegian.

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