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The Working Groups' Joint Meeting in the framework of Barents Cross-Border University

  • 08.11.2010
  • 2636

On November 2−3 the Joint Meeting of the Vice-rectors and Members of the Working Groups of the Master’s Programmes in the framework of Barents Cross-Border University (BCBU) took place at MSPU.

The Chairman of the Joint Meeting was the Vice-rector for Science and Research of MSPU, Pavel Fedorov.

During the meeting the questions concerning the implementation of Joint Master’s Programmes were discussed together with the representatives of the universities in the Barents Region. The representatives of the Administration of University of Oulu and Lapland University, Finland, took part in the meeting.

On November 2nd the Working Group Meeting on Comparative Social Work also took place on the MSPU basis, devoted to the establishing and implementation of the Joint Master’s Programme in this scientific field together with Lapland University, Finland.

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