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Exhibition devoted to Henrik Ibsen

  • 07.06.2010
  • 2578

On the 3rd of June an Opening Ceremony of the exhibition, devoted to Henrik Ibsen’s creativity, took place.

This event coincided with celebration of the Days of Norway at Murmansk State Pedagogical University and at the same time it is the first stage of the Social Humanities Forum «Henrik Ibsen: space of personal freedom».

The exhibition was arranged by the staff and students of the Faculty of Arts Education, Technology and Design. Head of the exhibition is Elena R. Statsenko, Dean of the Faculty of Arts Education, Technology and Design.

The exhibition was opened with the welcome address by Elin Marie Hellum, Consul of the Consulate General of Norway, Pavel V. Fedorov, Vice-Rector for Science and Research, and Alexander A. Sautkin, head of the project «Henrik Ibsen: space of personal freedom».

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