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Visit of the representatives from MSPU to University College Lillebælt (Denmark)

  • 28.05.2010
  • 2519

From the the 16th to 19th of May, 2010 representatives from MSPU Tatyana Kuzmicheva, Head of the Department of Special Pedagogy and Special Psychology and Bella Shuruhova, Head of International Department visited University College Lillebælt (Denmark) within the frameworks of joint international project «Education for All».

Together with the colleagues from University College Lillebælt, University of Helsinki (Finland) and Karelian State Pedagogical Academy (Russia) possibilities of developing joint International Master’s program on Inclusive Education were discussed.

During the visit it was decided to organize mutual exchange of teachers between MSPU and University College Lillebelt and carry out the final conference on the project on the basis of MSPU.

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