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Mrs. Frankenberg's Visit (Goethe-Institute)

  • 20.05.2010
  • 2880

On the 14th-15th of May the MSPU was visited by the Vice-Director of German Cultural Center Goethe in St. Petersburg (Goethe-Institute), the Head of the Language Department, Mrs. Barbara Frankenberg.

Mrs. Frankenberg had a meeting with the Rector of Murmansk State Pedagogical University, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Sergeev A. M. At the meeting the Director of the Center for Academic Mobility, International Projects and Programmes, Inna Ryzhkova, as well as the senior teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages and Methods of Teaching, the Head of the Center for Educational Literature in German from Goethe-Institute, Tatjana Sokolowskaja, were present.

During the meeting the perspectives of future cooperation between the MSPU and Goethe-Institute were discussed. Mrs. Frankenberg was a guest at the concert devoted to the opening of the exhibition «Jung: de» («Youth in Germany»), where the results of contest «German is great» among senior pupils and students were announced. The winners were awarded with presents.

Our German guest held an educational seminar for German language teachers and MSPU graduates on the topic «Songs on German language lessons» Mrs. Frankenberg was pleased with the work done by MSPU on making German language and culture more popular, and expressed sincere interest in future cooperation, the next step of which will be Cooperation Agreement.

Note: Goethe-Institute has been the MSPU partner since 1997. One of the most successful projects run together was creating of the Center for Educational Literature in German. Together with the Goethe-Institute’s assistance various seminars and courses for German language teachers, contests and projects for pupils and students from Murmansk and Murmansk Region are held on the basis of MSPU.

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