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International contest on profession-oriented informative and research projects in English

  • 11.05.2010
  • 2412

On the 19th-22nd of April 2010 the international contest on profession-oriented informative and research projects in English took place on the basis of the Department of Foreign Language Learning and Methods of Teaching, which has been holding the competition for 5 years. In the year 2009 the contest acquired the status of international and inter-college.

The three sections presented their research works: on the 19th of April the pupils of the language schools in Murmansk presented their works to the jury; on the 20th of April the students of MSPU took part in the competition; the last third section was international and took place on the 21st of April.

We are proud to congratulate the winners:

I place — Zhekova A., Zhekova E. (MSPU students 3rd year)
II place — Kristoffersen Magnus (Tromso University student)
III place — Lashenko P. (MSPU student)

The prizewinners are: Frukyse Ida, Sverresvold Trond, Thomassen Anna — Tromso University students; Alechin Yu. — MSPU student.

The research works of other participants were awarded with incentive prizes.

In addition to work of sections other events were planned for the Norwegian guests: lecture on «Norwegian system of Education», work-shop for MSPU students on «Digital tools for recording speech for oral English training»; the round-table discussion on the basis of Center for Academic Mobility on the topic «Possibilities of youth cooperation in Barents region», etc.

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