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«Polish cultural spring — 2010» came to MSPU

  • 06.05.2010
  • 2550

In the framework of «Polish cultural spring 2010» the regional Research-to-Practice Conference with international participation on the theme «The problems of modern Slavistics» took place on the 28-30th of April.

The complimentary speech during the first plenary meeting was taken by:

The First Counsellor, the Head of the Department of culture in Consulate General of the Republic of Poland — Cezary Karpinski, the chairwoman of Polish Cultural Society in the city of Murmansk — Rynjo Grazhyna, Vice-Rector for Science and Research, Doctor of History — Pavel Fedorov, Head of the Center for Academic Mobility, Phd in Pedagogy — Inna Ryzhkova, Head Lecturer of the Department of Russian Language, Litareture and Methods of Teaching, the coordinator of «Polish direction» at MSPU — Ekaterina Karbanovskaya.

On the plenary meeting the awarding ceremony of the winners in the competition on the best translation of polish poetry «Roses for Sapho» took place. Our congratulations to the winners:

I place — Bezveselnaya Anastasiya (I year Faculty of Philology and Journalism);
II place — Gordeeva Anastasiya (Master Faculty of Philology and Journalism) and Yuryeva Galina (I year Faculty of Philology and Journalism);
III place — Tishulina Maria (IV year Faculty of Philology and Journalism) and Shejkhurdina Elena (IV year Faculty of Philology and Journalism).

Recognition diplomas were presented to the participants of the competition.

The research works from Poland, Germany, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Belorussia and Russia were presented on the conference’s sections. On the 30th of April the round-table was held where the students of the 1-4th years of the Faculty of Philology and Journalism took part.

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