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Meeting with Mr. Siegmar Buchwald

  • 07.04.2010
  • 3070

On the 5th of April the MSPU was visited by Mr. Siegmar Buchwald, the chairman of «Humanistic Initiative ‘Interjugend’ in Sachsen-Anchalt» organization. The official programme of a visit included the meeting with Inna Ryzhkova, Director of Center for Academic Mobility, International Projects and Programmes, and Sergey Kontievskiy, the Vice-Rector for Organizational Issues, Educational Work and Social Policy. During the meeting the major directions for further Russian-German cooperation on the MSPU basis were discussed.

On the 6th of April, in the framework of official visit, Mister Buchwald had a meeting with the students of the University, the former and potential participants of the annual programme"Nothing but work" for students held every year in July in the city of Halle (Saale), Germany.

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