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Meeting within Barents Cross-Border University

  • 15.03.2010
  • 2914

From the 10th till the 13th of March 2010 a meeting of Rectors from Universities participating in the international project «Barents Cross-Border University» and meetings of Working Groups in Master programs were held at the University of Lapland in Rovaniemi.

MSPU was represented by Professor Andrey Sergeev, Rector of MSPU, PhD Inna Ryzhkova, Director of the Center for Academic Mobility, International Projects and Programs and Professor Natalia Vasilveskaya.

During the Rector’s meeting they discussed issues of changes in the system of higher education in Finland and Russia, problems of organizing the Northern Arctic Federal University in Archangelsk and the current state of the Master programs realization within the project.

By decision of the Steering Committee of the project the next meeting will be held at MSPU.

In April 2010 head of the Working group in Comparative Social Work Professor Tarja Orjasniemi from the University of Lapland will visit MSPU and deliver lectures to students from the faculty of Humanities and discuss our future cooperation within this Master program.

Besides, on the 13th of March MSPU Rector Professor Andrey Sergeev had a meeting with the Rector of the University of Lapland Professor Mauri Ylä-Kotola. During the meeting they discussed perspectives of future cooperation between MSPU and the University of Lapland within the Humanities and Arts direction. Professor Yla-Kotola highly appreciated the cooperation within international projects and programs and expressed sincere interest in the development of Finnish-Russian relations. International project management and the development of Student and Teacher Academic Mobility were defined as priority directions.

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