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New International Project Announced

  • 08.02.2010
  • 2978

On the 7th of February 2010 the official meeting took place between MSPU administration and the representatives of the Ministry of National policy and cooperation with religious societies in Karelian Republic, as well as with the Institute of language, literature and history at Karelian Scientific Center, in particular with Minister Manin A. A., Doctor of philosophy Zaitzeva N. G., Cand. Sc. (History) Strogalshikova Z. I. and with the coordinator of state programmes on indigenous groups Haritonova E. V.

During the meeting the questions concerning joint working out of the international project on research in the field of history, language, including the process of indigenous groups’ native language revitalization in Barents region were discussed. The decision was made to apply for an «IESP Kolarctic» programme and to organize a preparatory meeting in spring 2010 at MSPU with inviting the partners from Norway and Sweden.

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