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MASU students met with Consul of the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Norway in Murmansk

  • 29.04.2019
  • 1868

On April 26, MASU students met with Consul of the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Norway in Murmansk Ms. Astrid Nerum within the international festival «Barents Bird». The consul delivered a lecture about work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway and the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Norway. In addition, Ms. Nerum shared her experience as a diplomat.

«I have lived a long life and I realized that if you want to achieve good results, you must choose what you really like», - Ms. Nerum summed up.

Students asked their questions in the end of the lecture. Ms. Nerum answered all the questions in detail, both about her work and more personal ones: about the difficulties of learning Russian, her impression of Russia and how she spends her free time in Murmansk. The meeting was held in two languages with the help of an interpreter, but the consul preferred to answer in Russian.

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