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BeTech: the First Series of Events!

  • 07.10.2019
  • 2224

MASU delegation, pupils and school teachers of the Murmansk region took part in events within the international project «BeTech: development of common approaches to involvement of youth into science and technical sphere» in Oulu, Finland. The road was long and tedious but it was worth it!

On the first day of the trip the delegation visited «Nokia» factory. An exclusive excursion to the testing laboratories and the robotic production line were specially held for the project participants. They got a chance to see how prototypes are tested for different environmental conditions and how the automatic assembly of hardware components is carried out.

The visit to the Science Centre Tietomaa wasn’t less interesting — the young people got acquainted with the scientific achievements implemented in various fields. The information from the scientific fields of biology, physics, geology, chemistry, anatomy and others was presented in a gamified accessible form.

The delegation spent the second day at the University of Oulu. The meeting began with a visit to FabLab and the Oulu Mining School — the only institute in Finland where mining is taught. The guests from Russia saw the special equipment and received small gifts made with laser machine in their presence. And it wasn’t even the full program for that day! The participants were divided into mixed groups with the representatives of Russia, Finland and Norway to work on a short collaborative project.

The high sense of responsibility and discipline should be pointed out! The young people worked independently, without any control and assistance from adults. Teachers discussed important issues separately in the round table format and also worked in groups. The team from Russia has scored highest number of points in a strategic game. The European Researchers’ Night was planned for the evening of the same day. It is a popular annual scientific event held at the university. The delegation got acquainted with the various scientific fields the students and professors are engaged in.

On the way back young people and teachers shared their impressions of the trip. As it turned out, the most difficult thing was to break the language barrier and speak, and the most memorable experience was making new friends from Finland and Norway.

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