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«The War in the Arctic Region: to the 75-anniversary of the Petsamo-Kirkenes Offensive» conference starts in MASU

  • 14.10.2019
  • 2327

The All-Russian scientific-practical Conference with International Participation «The War in the Arctic Region: to the 75-anniversary of the Petsamo-Kirkenes Offensive» starts in Murmansk Arctic State University on Monday, 14 October. This forum for the regional experts and historians will last three days. The first day of the conference is dedicated to scientific discussions.

Aleksandr Chapenko, Ph.D. in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of History and Law of MASU and the chairman of the regional branch of the Russian Military-Historical Society will suggest to meditate upon the trench warfare in the Murmansk region during the period of 1941-1944 and its importance for the victory over Nazi in the Second World War. The title of Aleksandr Chapenko’s lecture echoes the theme of a political lesson held in one of the Soviet military units that fought in the Zapadnaya Litsa river valley in 1942: «Fighting Germans in the North — You Help Your Comrades in the South».

Miroslav Morozov, Ph.D. in Historical Sciences and a reserve colonel from Moscow will analyze the actions of the Russian Northern Military Fleet aimed at disrupting the enemy’s naval communications in October 1944. Yuri Rybin, a historian and a regional expert from Murmansk, will tell about the renown Soviet pilot Boris Safonov and his legendary fighting-aircraft I-16 or «ishachok» (a diminutive name for this plane).

Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Dulich will share the results of his research into the Nazi defense system in the Murmansk region. Konstantin Titarenko, Historian and regional expert, will dispel the myths about the German fortifications in Liinakhamari. Aleksandr Chemersky, the deputy chairman of the Murmansk regional branch of the Russian Federal Security Service Veterans Association and a retired lieutenant colonel, will tell about the history, aims and functions of the destruction battalions in the Murmansk region.

Julia Bardileva, the representative of the conference organizing committee and the Chair of the Department of History and Law of MASU, says — «Erik Sevdal, General Consul of the Kingdom of Norway in Murmansk, is also invited. He will deliver the welcome speech and speak about the attitude to some particular issues concerning the history of the Second World War in Norway and will also tell about the joint actions of the Soviet Karelian front and the Norwegian guerrilla-fighters».

Two exhibitions will be held in Murmansk Arctic State University during the three days of the conference. The first exhibition is organized by the Murmansk region State Archive. This exhibition will present documents concerning the war in the Polar region. The second exhibition is prepared by MASU Students Association. Military-reenactment society «Titovsky Garnizon» will present the weaponry, household items and military uniform of the Second World War period.

Translated from Russian by Nikita Gordeev, 1st year student of «Translation studies» Master program

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