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MURMANИST project was presented by MASU and the Ministry of Culture of the Murmansk region

  • 25.08.2020
  • 1214

MASU and the Ministry of Culture of the Murmansk Region presented an interactive platform «MURMANИST: Event Calendar of the Murmansk Region».

MURMANИSТ — is a unique regional project. The concept of the platform was designed by a MASU graduate Anastasya Meschceryakova. Last year she presented the project at «Taurida» forum and won one million rubles grant to implement the platform — so began the history of MURMANИSТ.

The project is supported by the Government of the Murmansk region, that actively promotes art initiatives of the citizens.

«I am glad that there are so many genuine art enthusiasts and so many sympathetic people with a lot of ideas. It is very important to implement citizen’s art ideas and provide them with diverse leisure activities. That’s why the Government of the region expresses its gratitude to Anastasya and her instructor Tatyana Ashutova for the project», — said the Deputy Governor of the Murmansk region Elena Dyagileva.

At the presentation, the author of the platform explained what MURMANИSТ is and how to use it. Anastasya says that the website is not just a regional culture guide, but also a tool to arrange the events of your own. As you register on the platform, you can schedule an event, choose the most appropriate and the least busy date and specify participants requirements. Moreover, all members of the platform may volunteer for an event, join it as an expert or even donate to it. Therefore, MURMANИSТ has a very important function — to aggregate citizen’s requests for organizing and staging events.

«Murmansk Arctic State University promotes a creative approach to both culture development and education in general. Being a fully-fledged project MURMANИSТ shows that students and authorities can work together to implement such important ideas», says Acting minister of culture of the Murmansk region Natalya Ivanova.

It is true that the aim of flagship universities is not just to organize education and research, but also to discover and engage talented youth and to help the region, business and authorities deal with current problems. Acting rector of MASU Irina Shadrina says that the project addresses all these issues.

«Recently MASU has become a major advocate of the Arctic design and tourism as well as a venue that attracts creative youth and helps them to exercise their talents. MASU has achieved it through its new strategy — «Creative City — Area of Development» and the projects held within this strategy: «History of the Northern Identity» performance, «MURMANИSTIKA» festival and «Creative Industries in the Arctic Region» international forum. MASU creates the community of talented youth and experts of the region that may implement creative projects together», says Irina Shadrina.

MURMANИST is a natural evolution of the work the university carries out to support and realize the creative potential of the local youth. The university has been working with creative industries since 2017 when MASU got the status of a flagship university. MURMANИST project is one of the major results of this work.

«This is a creative, youth initiative that is truly important for our region. Many people worked on this project — on its content, concept, design, website. We’ve held numerous tests of the platform, and almost the whole region has taken part in it», says one of the project managers and the Head of Synergy University «Design and Advertisement» department Tatyana Ashutova.

Translated by Nikita Gordeev
MA Candidate in Translation studies (Linguistics) — MASU

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