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MASU researchers will determine the level of accessibility to high-quality general education in the Arctic

  • 10.09.2020
  • 1351

Artem Punantsev, a post-graduate student of Murmansk Arctic State University, won a grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research to implement a project on the accessibility of high-quality general education in the Arctic regions of Russia. The project research advisor is doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor Dmitry Levites.

«In our research work we want to find a solution to the acute socio-educational problem of persisting inequality in the availability of high-quality general education for students in different regions of Russia», said Dmitry Levites.

Educational organizations from seven regions of Russia — from the Murmansk region to the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug — will participate in the two-year long project.

«We will analyze objective indicators such as statistical data and reports of the executive bodies of these regions. We also plan to conduct a series of sociological surveys of students' parents to find out how they assess the accessibility of education. Teachers from professional educational organizations and universities will be interviewed as experts since they have their own view on the criteria and indicators of the quality of education», added Artem Punantsev, a post-graduate student of the Pedagogical Department.

Artem Punantsev’s article on this problem was published in the journal «Pedagogy». It is available in the attached file below.

Translated by Gleb Ryabov
MA Candidate in Translation studies (Linguistics) — MASU

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