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MASU students take part in the «Arctic Frontiers — 2021» conference

  • 05.02.2021
  • 1320

The Arctic Student Forum was held on February 1-4 within the framework of «Arctic Frontiers — 2021» international conference. Four MASU students took part in the Forum: Anastasya Kuzmenkova, Konstantin Moskvin, Darya Bolkhovskaya and Nikita Gordeev.

The annual conference attracts officials, scientists and businesspersons engaged in the development of the Arctic region. The same issue attracts the students too: at the Forum, they listened and discussed experts' reports and presented their own projects.

«The presentations were diverse and touched upon a wide range of topics: from seaweed to global economy. Although the Forum was held online, you still could see how the students' eyes were shining when they described their projects and ideas», MASU student Nikita Gordeev shares his feelings about the Forum.

Traditionally «Arctic Frontiers» include two stages. This year the first stage was held online due to the pandemic. However, the participants and organizers hope that they will meet each other in Troms? at the next stage that is scheduled in June.

«I think it is a very good idea to combine a high-level conference and youth forum. Although we are students we have a clear idea of what we want to do and what we want to achieve; we are purposeful enough to take our first step, but sometimes we lack the experience take it properly. And this is what the «senior» conference participants may help us with; in return they get ideas and energy for their work. So the conference was fruitful for everybody», Nikita concludes.

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