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Participants of the «BeTech!» international project meet up at MASU

  • 16.04.2021
  • 1111

The first day of the «Festival of Professions» took place at MASU on April 15. The event was held within the international project «BeTech!: Development of Common Approaches to Involvement Youth into Science and Technical Sphere».

The project is funded by the Kolarctic Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. Municipality of Alta (Norway), the University of Tromso — the Arctic University of Norway (campus Alta), the University of Oulu (Finland), «Sotsium +» (Russia), Association of Contractors «Murmanshelf» (Russia) and Murmansk Arctic State University take part in the project.

The aim of «BeTech!» is to promote interest in natural science among school students of Finland, Norway and Murmansk region. The «Festival» is the third international event held within the project. The previous two took place in Oulu (Finland) and Alta (Norway). Due to pandemic restrictions, the meeting was organized in a hybrid format — both offline and online.

«The project aims to show school students that knowledge and competences in natural sciences will be useful in their future, what careers will be in demand and what education they need to find a job in advanced regional industries. Such events give an opportunity to meet people from various spheres», the head of MASU international cooperation office and project coordinator Julia Shestova says.

Experts from MASU Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences spoke with children, told them about students' projects and showed them a video on technical studies programmes offered at MASU.

«Unfortunately, there are only few young people who choose technical education. However, they are in huge demand and can find a job in virtually any field», associate professor at the Department of Mathematics, Physics and IT Oleg Lyash says.

During the «Festival of Profession», school students made «online-visits» to Murmansk Sea Trade Port, «Atomflot» enterprise and the Norwegian company «Miksapix».

The visit were organized by the Association of Contractors «Murmanshelf» to engage students into the most demanded professions.

«Regional companies need local employees and Arctic projects lack technical staff. Therefore, we hope that the interest in engineering will increase and that regional universities will be motivated to train specialists demanded by Arctic industries», general director of the Association of Contractors «Murmanshelf» Olga Buch says.

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