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MASU pedagogue takes part in the International Forum on Teaching Education

  • 31.05.2021
  • 813

International Forum on Teaching Education took place at Kazan Federal University (KFU) on May 26-28. At the grand opening, KFU rector Ilshat Gafurov said that although the university held various scientific events, pedagogy remained the most basic field of research.

«From the very childhood teachers form our individuality and hence shape our future», he said.

This year the major theme of the forum was the aims of teaching education and new challenges emerged in this field. Scientific discussions were focused on three topical issues: teaching education in a state of uncertainty; accessibility and quality of education for special needs students; increasing the importance of moral education in pedagogical activities.

Doctor in Pedagogy and the head of Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy Tatiana Kuzmicheva represented MASU at the forum. In her speech, she emphasized that teachers needed to know children psychology and learn how to practically apply this knowledge during their university training.

Tatiana Kuzmicheva presented an experimental technique of transformation the frontal instruction into an adaptive one that might help to individualize education of special needs students.

The work of Tatiana Kuzmicheva and her colleagues was funded by a grant (No 20-013-00811 A) from The Russian Foundation for Basic Research «Individualization of educational environment as a factor of inclusion in education and upbringing of special needs children residing in urban and rural territories».

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